MA66886  MM37471

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage are goal oriented massages that focuses on specific issues. This term can be kind of a broad term. If you have lower back pain, we use that as our goal. And plan the massage to revolve around or lead up to the alleviation of that lower back pain. Therapeutic massage does not have to involve pain relief. In some cases, we are trying to reduce stress, or increase range of motion.

Therapeutic massage can sometimes be confused with SPORTS MASSAGE because both involve setting goals for the treatment plan (this means sports massage ispart of the therapeutic massages therapies).

One big difference between sports massage and therapeutic massage is that sports massage is applied with the desire to improve athletic function. Athletic function does not just apply to sports, but any profession that involves activity like fireman, paramedic, and law enforcement.

Therapeutic massage is what many of the people are looking for when it comes to massage. They have a goal in mind and often wonder if massage can help. This is the beginning of therapeutic massage.

Therapeutic and sports massage will integrate various modalities to achieve their goals. Keeping the focus on the goal is important. 

Call (727) 432-5235

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